Friday, August 28, 2009

Chicken Salad

Today I decided I should try to make chicken salad.  Instead of going the simple route of buying pre-shredded chicken, I've decided to boil and shred a whole chicken. This way I'll have enough for chicken salad and left overs for things like tortillas with cheese and chicken. The directions are easy enough - carve chicken up, place in water and boil. So far I've flunked the carving portion of the process. After mutilating the poor, dead chicken (and waiting for a call from some animal rights group) I just dumped the whole thing in a pan of water. However, it doesn't quite fit. I'm not sure if the portion sticking out of the pan is going to cook properly - we shall see. I'd take pictures, but my hack job might give you nightmares. In one hour I am to take the chicken out of the pot and shred it. Hopefully that part goes better than the carving part.

P.S.  Is the smell of the chicken supposed to make you nauseous?

Okay - here is a picture of the cooked chicken - it no longer looks like something out of a bad horror film.

My 2-year old helped me to shred the chicken and I must say that I am less than overwhelmed by the amount it produced - so much for extra.  Maybe next time I'll just buy the canned stuff.  Anyway, on to the ingredients.  Grapes, green onions and celery (no, I didn't put all the green onions in.  In an amazing example of foresight I froze the rest for later use).


Then came the mayonnaise, salt and pepper.  It came out better than I thought it would...

and I even set aside some of the broth to freeze in case I ever need it.   Go me.


  1. Good job! Do you have a crockpot? You can put a whole chicken(or 2!) in a crockpot and it comes out fabulous.

    Pictures of the girls, please!
