Saturday, October 17, 2009

Measurement Update

I'm sorry to be 12 days late with this - but I have also taken a 12 day break from working out so the measurements should still be accurate.  I did The 30 Day Shred 4-5 times a week for 30 days.  That was combined with watching what I eat with Weight Watchers.  Since I'm breast feeding weight loss has been slow (although in the 12 days since I stopped working out I've lost 5 pounds so the muscle is working!) but there has been a definite loss in overall mass.  So here's the verdict:


Waist - 32
Hips - 41
Thigh - 24


Waist - 30
Hips - 39.75
Thigh - 23.5

Not too bad overall.  I'm going to start another 30 day stretch today or tomorrow and see what happens.  I'll keep you up-to-date.