Friday, September 4, 2009

30 Day Fail

I haven't done The 30 Day Shred in 4 days now due to my baby (I know, I'm terrible, blaming my failure on a baby - but it's true).  My dear little one decided a few nights ago that her one goal in life was getting out of her swaddle and waking up every hour throughout the night.  In return, I decided that my one goal in life was/is to get my baby to be able to sleep without being swaddled.  Today was the first day she slept longer than a 15 minute stretch.  Of course, instead of working out, I spent the time cleaning for our guests who are coming over (have you ever noticed how we don't clean for ourselves but rather for our guests so that they'll think we're neater people than we are?).  So I am going to start my 30 days over again tomorrow.  I'm even going to take those before pictures and my measurements (scary thought) so I can track how much changes in a month.  Looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite comments, "if you want to come over and see me, then come. If you want to come over and see my house, schedule a day."

    I also know that it is always nice to weigh less than what we do and it has taken years for me to look in a mirror and not be disgusted with what I see. And, I still do from time to time; but then I read a devotion that jolted me. He formed us before we were ever in our mother's womb and to critize his creation (our bodies) is to say that God makes mistakes. Well we know he in incapable of making mistakes, therefore my body is not a mistake.

    Do not conform to the world that your body must be something else, look instead at strengthen and making God's creation healthy. If you work out one day great, if the other day you are taking care of your babies, wonderful! God made you and he made you a mother, there is nothing about that is a mistake. Don't see that you failed because being a mom to his little creations is far more noble to our Father than if our bodies are skinny.
